How to make a Discord-Roblox codes for redeem codes gui

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to make a Discord-Roblox codes
:warning: To understand this tutorial, you need to know basic scripting, as this will tell how to get codes from Discord-Roblox but not on how to make a codes redeeming Gui

Like, the redeem codes one, you can set-up codes from
:warning: This is a simple tutorial, and is not meant for 5+ codes

Proof that this works:

-- 1 = Code
-- 2 = Coins awarded
-- 3 = (Ignore)
-- 4 = can be used many times or not

This is good, if your a newbie scripter, as this works and is not hard
However there are harder ways for doing this system

Step 1

Enable https requests in your game

Step 2

Create a Discord Webhook
Here’s how:

  1. Click channel settings

2.Click integrations

3.Click new webhook

4.Don’t name it rrrrrrrr like I did, I just did that, we will rename it soon

5.Click copy url

  1. Rename your webhook
    In the following way, 1 is your code, 2 is reward for using code, 3 is just a word, 4 is can it be used many times or not

Step 3

You got your webhook done, now just make a script in Roblox Studio


local httpsservice = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = ""

local info = httpsservice:GetAsync(url,false) -- you get the info of your webhook by this
local decodedinfo = httpsservice:JSONDecode(info) -- its a JSON table so we make it Lua table
local codes = {} -- an empty table, we will add the codes in here

local codeinname = string.split(decodedinfo["name"]," ") -- this will cut the name into pieces where you kept space, keep space bar when your entering more codes

Also to enter many codes, keep a space in between just like this:

It will cut the name into pieces where space bar is located, so you can keep 1-5 codes in your webhook

Let’s get back to the script: (its the same script)

local httpsservice = game:GetService("HttpService")
local url = ""

local info = httpsservice:GetAsync(url,false) -- you get the info of your webhook by this
local decodedinfo = httpsservice:JSONDecode(info) -- its a JSON table so we make it Lua table
local codes = {} -- an empty table, we will add the codes in here

local codeinname = string.split(decodedinfo["name"]," ") -- this will cut the name into pieces where you kept space, keep space bar when your entering more codes

for i,v in pairs(codeinname) do -- now we'll loop through all the codes in table, we will run this function below for each code
    local splittedvalues = string.split(v,"-") -- this will cut each code we wrote like 1,2,3,4
    local codename = splittedvalues[1] now inside the name, we have the name as 1st value
    codes[codename] = splittedvalues -- the code name have the following table
print(codes) -- it prints the final table of all the codes which you wrote in discord, but came in Roblox

The final printed table:
I have 2 codes, Coins and Coins2

Now using this table, you can make a Redeem UI, and when you update the code in Discord webhook, it will affect all your servers in your game, and its not laggy/fps drop down

Step 4

Tutorial is done, enjoy!

Thanks for reading the tutorial

Any questions DM me,
Any suggestions reply below :wink:

Have a nice day


Roblox webhooks are currently being blocked by discord. You will need to use a service like datastore or fire base. These programs are much better at saving and getting data. I would not reccomend using web hook names to store data.

I’m pretty sure these names are also limited, which would prevent you from adding a lot of codes.


Yes roblox did not block discord, discord block roblox, in this case, you cannot post messages from roblox to discord, but you can get info from discord to roblox