How to make a dizziness effect?

Do you have any ideas on how to implement this dizziness effect? That is, something like when the last rendered frame remains for a while.
It is similar to this situation described towards the end, when this effect becomes more pronounced:


Could you put a time reference? The video is 7 minutes long…


I say that towards the end of this video, that is, by 5:00


I’m uncertain about which effect you’re talking about then. Do you mean the blink?


This is when the rendered frame stays for a while, dizziness is created.


Oh, that’s what you mean. It is not possible to recreate this in Roblox in a seamless or efficient way I believe

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No, well, it’s not literally cloning a frame, but rather just a clone of a picture of a rendered frame.

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This isn’t possible. Roblox doesn’t let you manipulate rendered frames or take screenshots as imagelabels, although such a feature would be awesome

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Maybe with ViewportFrames it could work? Just clone the entirety of the workspace and anything else into a viewport.

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I think it will be easily possible when the CaptureService is released completely. You could use a screenshot and just change its transparency.


Oh absolutely. It’s unknown when it does get released though… I’ll be waiting


ViewportFrames have very rough lighting options and are pretty expensive, I wouldn’t recommend using them for this effect

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The only things I can think of are

  1. Viewport frames, and do a spatial query for all the models within a certain distance. This wouldnt look perfect but would get the job done
  2. Using an EditableImage, raycast from every x pixels and write it onto the image, but this would end up being overly complicated (actors, shading) and most likely have worse performance than viewport frames, so id just go with 1.
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I’m aware, but it’s really the only option. You can definitely optimize it though. Editable Images are (maybe) your only other option, but they have a strict size limit.

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