How to make a door breakdown effect

Im making it so a door breaks down when it’s punched by players. My goal is to make the door fly backwards a bit when it’s broken. So far I have tried using LinearVelocity and it’s got me nowhere and Im stuck on what to do.

Also another question: How would I make the door break when an explosion happens.

My script

function door.Breakdown(door, humanoidRootPart) -- this needs work
	local Direction = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector
	local ForceAttatchment ="Attachment")
	ForceAttatchment.Parent = door.DoorParts.Base
	ForceAttatchment.CFrame = door.DoorParts.Base.CFrame
	local LinearVelocity ="LinearVelocity")
	LinearVelocity.Parent = door
	LinearVelocity.MaxForce = 50
	LinearVelocity.LineDirection = Direction
	LinearVelocity.VectorVelocity = Direction * 2
	LinearVelocity.Attachment0 = ForceAttatchment
	task.delay(0.2, function()
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You could try using they objects velocity. (door.Base.Velocity = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * your explosion power, Ex. 100) And as for explosions, first use workspace:GetPartsBoundInRadius() to get the parts in the explosions radius. Second check if any of the parts are a door, There are multiple ways to check. One way is tags. Then just get the direction by doing,explosincentervector3).LookVector and then times it by your explosion power. In this case 100).

This didn’t work the door just fell down on the ground and tipped over when i touched it, absolutely no force is visible on it.

Make sure you apply the force after its unanchored/unhinged and make sure that the power is high enough

It’s unanchored, since it’s a door the door parts are unanchored and welded to the hinge (the hinge is anchored) so I just destroy the hinge before applying the force, I even tried looping through the door parts and applying the force but the same thing happened. I literally set the force to 150

Hmm there must be something wrong with the script Ill make a demo to show that it works

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your max force is too small, and your velocity might be too

a good alternative would be bodyvelocity, looking something like this

local bv ="BodyVelocity")
bv.MaxForce =, 0, math.huge)
bv.Velocity = Direction * 10
bv.Parent = door
game.Debris:AddItem(bv, .2)

BodyVelocity is deprecated but I tried it and it sort of worked ig.

deprecated means its no longer supported, but it works, but if you really want something not deprecated, use AssemblyLinearVelocity

door.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Direction * 10
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External Media

edit-i uploaded it to streamable im not sure why it wants me to download it

heres the script i used in the video:

script.Parent.Parent.Anchored = false
script.Parent.Parent.Velocity = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 100

Note: also it would be better if you used the cameras cframe lookvector since you could hit the door up

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Velocity is deprecated for AssemblyLinearVelocity, which would function the same


Hmm I was unaware of AssemblyLinearVelocity lol. In that case just use AssemblyLinearVelocity in place of Velocity

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yep, that should be the solution and your script should be marked as such

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