How to make a Dummy SPAWN as a player inside their Friends List! (R6) (Advanced)

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a spawner that spawns Dummies as a User/Player’s FRIEND!

First to start off, make a script in ServerScriptService. (Name it whatever you’d like.)

Second, in workspace, make a part (any size, shape, position) and name it “Spawner”.
Inside the Server Script, we will find the Spawner instance inside the workspace.

local spawner = workspace:WaitForChild("Spawner") --Find the Spawner inside the Workspace!

Third, you will want ANY dummy/character model.
We will find the model inside the Script.

local spawnDummy = workspace:WaitForChild("Dummy") --Find the Model inside the Workspace!

Next, we will pick a random player inside the game, and pick a random friend.
We’ll loop it in a ‘while’ loop so it continuously runs!

while task.wait(5) do --Change the time to how long you want it to Spawn
	local existingPlayers = game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() --Get all the existing Players through the :GetPlayers() Function.
	if #existingPlayers > 0 then --Checks if there are any players.
		local selectedPlayer = existingPlayers[math.random(1, #existingPlayers)] --Pick a random player
		local friendsTable = {} --A Table that stores friend's IDs.
		local friendList = game:GetService("Players"):GetFriendsAsync(selectedPlayer.UserId) --Get the player's Friends
		local count = 0
		while wait() do --Loops through all the friends.
			for _, item in ipairs(friendList:GetCurrentPage()) do
				count += 1
				friendsTable[count] = item.Id

			if friendList.IsFinished then --Checks if there are anymore friends left.

		if #friendsTable > 0 then --Checks if the player has any friends.
			local selectedFriend = friendsTable[math.random(1, #friendsTable)] --Get a friend!

			local friendAppearance = game:GetService("Players"):GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(selectedFriend) --Get the Friend's Appearance

			local dummyClone = spawnDummy:Clone() --Creates a clone of the Specified 'spawnDummy'
			dummyClone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame( +, 3, 0))) --Sets the dummy's CFrame to the spawner's Position + 3 Studs Y (Up)
			dummyClone.Parent = workspace --Sets the parent of the clone to the workspace.

			dummyClone.Humanoid:ApplyDescriptionReset(friendAppearance) --Applies the Friend's appearance to the Dummy
			warn("The specified player has NO FRIENDS!")
		warn("There are no players in the game!")

That should be the end of the tutorial! Hope that helped! :slight_smile:
If you have any questions, reply please!


It is very useful and well-explained!Thank you, man:)

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Can you explain how this function works? I have absolutely no idea this function exists, and when I checked the documentation, it says that it returns a FriendPages instance, which I’m not familiar with the Pages root instance

game:GetService("Players") --Gets the Player Function
:GetFriendsAsync(selectedPlayer.UserId) --Gets the friend page

This is a FriendPage

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So a FriendPages is a Pages instance that is a list of friends basically