How to make a efficient datastore?

So recently I’ve been trying to use Datastore2 but then I decided to make my own datastore, but I dont really know how to prevent throttling and few other data store glitches, I’ve been searching out there in this forum about this but I didnt reach the answer of this.

I would like to know what things to do to make my datastore be secure.

Why don’t you just look at the source of datastore2 to understand what is being done.

I cant really understand so much of whats being done because I dont know so much about OOP (Actually I dont know about it)

And most of the things in there are using OOP.

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A good place to start would be this tutorial: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I already know how to save data… I was just asking how to improve it more, Sometimes it throttles and sometimes im scared of having it lost because of a roblox issue.

You need to develop some sort of mechanism for backing up the data, and the only way your request will throttle is if you breach the limits.

Thats what im asking for. Im asking for what to do, I cant just know what I need to do to prevent throttles and data loss just with that.

It is up to you to decide that is why I did not say, there are quite a few methods of doing this. I’m not a huge expert on datastores, since I just use the datastore2 module, because personally I don’t see the reason of making your own when one already exists, and the persons who used it says that they have never experience data loss.

You can use Datastore2 as it prevents datastore failures most of the
time. Tutorial:

If you don’t want to, allI can say is that you should use UpdateAsync instead of SetAsync and use pcalls.

I already tried Datastore 2 but I’ve been wanting to do a datastore myself.

UpdateAsync really doesnt gives me so much good benefits other than I can make a “backup” system, what I’m really wanting there is to make a “more secure” system.


It gives you an opportunity to prevent data loss.

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Well I said the one benefit I would have by using it…