So recently I’ve been trying to use Datastore2 but then I decided to make my own datastore, but I dont really know how to prevent throttling and few other data store glitches, I’ve been searching out there in this forum about this but I didnt reach the answer of this.
I would like to know what things to do to make my datastore be secure.
I already know how to save data… I was just asking how to improve it more, Sometimes it throttles and sometimes im scared of having it lost because of a roblox issue.
It is up to you to decide that is why I did not say, there are quite a few methods of doing this. I’m not a huge expert on datastores, since I just use the datastore2 module, because personally I don’t see the reason of making your own when one already exists, and the persons who used it says that they have never experience data loss.
I already tried Datastore 2 but I’ve been wanting to do a datastore myself.
UpdateAsync really doesnt gives me so much good benefits other than I can make a “backup” system, what I’m really wanting there is to make a “more secure” system.