@EliottENAnnoucement Sure thing, i’m very sorry I didn’t see this earlier!
So you wanna find an api,
I’m using the one found here (sign up and use the free “subscription”): SendGrid API Documentation (sendgrid) | RapidAPI
Then back on roblox studio’s we’re going to make a remote event (in ReplicatedStorage
) called SendFeedback
, and a Script
inside of ServerScriptService
, time for the code break down:
First things first we need to get the HttpService
so we can make API requests:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") -- Get the http service so we can make calls to the api
Next we wanna get replicated storage and grab the remote event:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SendFeedbackEvent = ReplicatedStorage.SendFeedback
Now into the variables for our API, we first need the API URL and the Headers, both of these will be found on you Rapid Api thing (where I sent you the API)
local API_URL = "https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send"
local Headers = {
['X-RapidAPI-Key'] = "Your Key Here",
['X-RapidAPI-Host'] = "Your Host Here"
Now we initialize a function, take in a parameter for the Title of the Email and for the actual feedback, then we’ll initialize our payloads:
local function SendFeedback(Player, Title, Feedback)
local payload = {
["personalizations"] = {
["to"] = {{["email"] = "yourrecievingemail@here.com"}}, -- Add the email to recieve the emails
["subject"] = Title -- The Title of the email the user sent (using the parameter of the remote event)
["from"] = {["email"] = "yoursendingemail@here.com"}, -- Add your sending email here
["content"] = {
["type"] = "text/plain",
["value"] = Feedback -- This is the feedback the user gave (taking it from the remote event parameter)
The payloads are our data, this is all the stuff we are sending, but we can’t use that data yet, we first need to encode it in a JSON format using JSONEncode
local data = HttpService:JSONEncode(payload)
Finally we want to Send our API request and exit the function:
HttpService:PostAsync(API_URL, data, Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson, false, Headers)
Last thing to do for this is connect our remote event to that function:
Full code for that:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService") -- Get the http service so we can make calls to the api
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local SendFeedbackEvent = ReplicatedStorage.SendFeedback
local API_URL = "https://rapidprod-sendgrid-v1.p.rapidapi.com/mail/send"
local Headers = {
['X-RapidAPI-Key'] = "Your Key Here", -- Replace
['X-RapidAPI-Host'] = "Your Host Here" -- Replace
local function SendFeedback(Player, Title, Feedback)
local payload = {
["personalizations"] = {
["to"] = {{["email"] = "yourrecievingemail@here.com"}}, -- Add the email to recieve the emails
["subject"] = Title -- The Title of the email the user sent (using the parameter of the remote event)
["from"] = {["email"] = "yoursendingemail@here.com"}, -- Add your sending email here
["content"] = {
["type"] = "text/plain",
["value"] = Feedback -- This is the feedback the user gave (taking it from the remote event parameter)
local data = HttpService:JSONEncode(payload)
HttpService:PostAsync(API_URL, data, Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationJson, false, Headers)
Alright, now onto the UI, for this i’m doing a simple UI but you can do what you want. Here’s what you need though, 2 text boxes (one for the email title, one for the feedback) and a send button.
In the send button you will have a local script that looks something like this (just change the paths to the labels and that stuff)
local RS = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage')
local Event = RS.SendFeedback
local FeedbackFrame = script.Parent.Parent
Event:FireServer(FeedbackFrame.Title.Text, FeedbackFrame.Feedback.Text)
And BOOOM! Working feedback email system.
Some Recomendations:
- Add a delay, only let a user send 1 email like every few hours or so (so you don’t spam and they don’t use the full rate)
That’s all really, hope this helped!