How should i go about making a flyable tool, (like a flying broom).
Should i be using bodyvelocity, Cframes, and how should i create the movement?
How should i go about making a flyable tool, (like a flying broom).
Should i be using bodyvelocity, Cframes, and how should i create the movement?
Body Velocity will be the smoothest option if you want to do it on server side
Just make so it switches every click “on” and “off” and then if it’s enabled then enable the body velocity and if it is disabled then just disable it. You can use LookVector to make the bodyVelocity go in the direction of your character
body velocity is deprecated though right? would there be any other options?
LinearVelocity maybe? Im pretty sure that’s the replacement for BodyVelocity
I’ll try it out and ge back with the results