How to make a Football catching mechanic similar to Football Fusion 2?

Heres the catch: I have a fully working Football throwing system with Power but its missing the classic tap to catch mechanic. I have gotten the arms semi-working before but animations from the Roblox character always stop me. So I need help, how would I make a system similar to FF2 to catch. Many games like Legendary Football, NFL Universe Football, and Gridiron Football have this mechanic.

When a player clicks fire a remote event to the server which verifies if the catch is off cooldown, and if the player is allowed to catch currently (is there an active ball in play? Are they the QB?) then if they pass these checks update the Catch value of that player (could be in a module, could be attributes). Then for visuals you need to have the arms pointing to the ball position which can be done in a loop, then you’d probably need to render a hitbox and when that hitbox is touched by a ball in play then the player catches the ball. (Remove the ball, give the player a football tool)

I have everything ready, I just need a way to honestly move the arms toward the ball without Roblox animations affecting the arms.

Bumping so the people who just got on see this post.