How to make a "for i" loop go down from a number not up

I am stuck on how to make a for i= loop go down in numbers.
I know how to make it go up but not down.
Any help for if it is possible is greatly appreciated!


In a For Loop the numbers can be positive or negative (See picture)

You can make the 3rd Value Negative than instead of adding something like +1 it adds -1 which is counting down


for i = loops can actually take a third argument, detailing the increment! An example of what you want could be
for i = 5,0,-1 do
print(i) --5,4,3,2,1,0

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for i = 10, -10, -1 do --[[ do somethinf--]] end
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Thank you everyone who helped!
Wizard101 was first to reply with this method so I gave them the solution tag.