How to make a Frame fit all screens

Okay, so what I mean with this is that whenever I make a frame and test it on other screens, it’s not in the right place or isn’t shown at all.

My current gui looks like this:

I want it to look the same for every device. Not the exact same of course but everything will be shown and on the correct place.

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I’m still getting the hang of this as well, but you have to use the scale size and placement. That will ensure its the same size on all screens.


So what do I have to change to my Gui?

There’s a plugin for that. You can use a plugin called AutoScale lite.

Oh yeah, I have that plugin but I don’t know how to use it :laughing:


Thanks, I’ll watch the video. I’ll make you as solution if it works.

Adding onto this, it’s best to avoid using offset as this is what causes the UI to become displaced in the first place.

I personally don’t use plugins myself to scale UI as simply changing the scale (and not the offset) for UI in the properties works just fine. :+1:

Another thing, if you want UI to be perfectly square or a specific shape for all devices, consider adding a UIAspectRatioConstraint inside it! There are also other Constraints you can use to make change your UI to your own preferences!

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And this is why I posted! I was hoping to see advice on making square UIs! My strategy paid off! Off to try this!

Works great!

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