How to make a functional Credits Roll?

Hey developers,

I believe the question I am about to ask has never been asked before and neither done before. I’m trying to make a credit roll with images beside it too.

Let’s take this video for example.

I wanna make something like the credit roll in this video but in Roblox.

Please consider replying if you know how to and if possible provide something so others can learn too! :smile:


Tweens. Align your elements vertically and then tween downwards until you reach the end. Tweens are also applicable to the fades. For the text crawling before the roll of the credits, you may want to consider using a UIGradient that blends with the background (for example, white and black gradient), then gradually offset the gradient until it reveals all the text - provided that’s possible to do and the gradient doesn’t end up repeating somewhere.

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I see, is it possible to allign the images next to it too?

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Yep. You might want to seek out Art Design Support for assembling your Gui elements in that fashion though. For this kind of use case, typically what I would do is create frames that span the whole screen in a vertical fashion and then scroll through all of them, with an image on one side and text the other. You can also automate this task so you lessen the amount of manual work you do, if necessary.

I did this yesterday and this was the result


Do you have it open source? I want to look at it for some personal reference thanks.

Fairly simple, make a frame and just tween the frame with the insides to whatever you want and move the frame.

Might be a bit late, but I love that song. Do you still have a SoundId for that song?

Kinda hard. Is there a tutorial.

Its pretty simple, make a frame, put some credits in. Put the frame to the top of the screen, then moe it down a bit more. And keep doing this.

Then just tween It to a position thats far above.

not sure if you still need this but here you go you’ll need to add your own images and other stuff
rolling credits.rbxl (47.9 KB)

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