How to make a game like haz3ms dice

haz3ms dice game rolls a dice and gives you a code.
and you can redeem it in pls donate and it gives you robux

tried to search for this but couldnt really find any answers.
AI also had no idea how it works


I believe what he does is either:
A. He creates a code in plz donate and then gives it away in the dice game
B. He has his own server that contains all the codes so they can both get the codes from there.

Thats the most likely thing

I know he creates the codes but i dont really know how to give robux if you enter a code since you get robux directly from the game

Well what he does is look at the gamepasses or shirts that the person owns and buys one.
Either that or you have to be in a group and he does a group payout thingy which I am not sure that he does


oh thanks, i thought he made it so that it automatically gives that from the game

He might have a bot that does it for him. Ofc that would take other coding languages most likey that I wouldnt be able to help you with

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