How to make a game pass for a game I have Team Create access on?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to be able to create a Game Pass for a game I have Team Create access on, but do not own.
  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
    I’m unable to figure out how to make a game pass for a game I do not own, since I don’t have access to it via the website. I have Team Create permissions to edit the game in Roblox Studio, but do not know how to access the Game Pass creation page for the game.
  3. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    I’ve already tried the following:
  • Trying to edit the URL to a game pass creation page I do have access to, in order to point to the target game’s Universe or Place ID.

  • Trying to find a menu inside Roblox Studio that would allow me to make a game pass (which doesn’t exist)

  • Neither of the attempts above worked.

Can anyone help me solve this issue? Thanks in advance.

Well, cant you just message the creator and tell them to make a pass?

Then in roblox studio, just make a script

Idk if you could do it tho

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I’ll try, but I’m not exactly sure if even they know how to do it. Some developers I work with aren’t the smartest when it comes to using Roblox’s developer features. Also, wouldn’t it make a little sense for Roblox to implement a way for Team Create developers to add game passes to other games?


Pick the group
Check the passes and products
Click on add