How to make a game popular?

Ok, You can join my group by going to my profile and we can discuss in discord

I don’t have discord. Nor Guilded

Ok then no prob, you can just join my group

Ok I have now joined the group.

Thankyou and give me your ideas over there

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If you can’t afford advertising then TikTok’s your friend. Make videos about development and hows it’s going, share features you’ve worked on, teach people how code, whatever but have it all lead back to your game. TikTok serves it’s users (which are pretty much most people at this point) a massive quantity of videos. That means, as long as your videos stand out against the rest, they’ve got a good chance of being seen by a ton of people. I’ve made three TikTok videos all of them took around 30 minutes to make and got well over 10 thousand views each. If you had videos like that (which aren’t hard to make with a little effort) leading back to your game that’s a large influx of people.

Idk how to do tiktok and I don’t like it

Is there anyother way @SaintlySoup ?

I rarely use TikTok outside of making them for advertising because I don’t enjoy the TikTok formula. That being said a lot of the time you have to do things that you don’t necessarily enjoy to be successful. This is especially true when you’ve already closed off the other means of advertising (you don’t have the money for buying ad space). Also on the subject of not knowing how to do it, learning new things is fun. As much as you might not like the platform it’s a whole new algorithm and format to take advantage of. If you can’t get it to work or you really just hate it that much, then start doing commission or get a job so you can buy ad space.

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