Hello, so basically i’m making a game where you can buy gamepass which gives you dark bubble chat, but I have some issues on it, and I don’t have any error on the output. I looked everywhere how to create this gamepass (DevForum, Developer Hub, Youtube…) but I can’t find the solution anywhere.
here’s the script I used:
local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local gamepassId = 40435166
local settings = {
BubbleDuration = script.Info.BubbleDuration.Value,
MaxBubbles = script.Info.MaxBubbles.Value,
BackgroundColor3 = script.Info.BackgroundColor3.Value,
TextColor3 = script.Info.TextColor3.Value,
TextSize = script.Info.TextSize.Value,
Font = Enum.Font[script.Info.Font.Value],
Transparency = script.Info.Transparency.Value,
CornerRadius = UDim.new(0, script.Info.CornerRadius.Value),
TailVisible = script.Info.TailVisible.Value,
Padding = script.Info.Padding.Value,
MaxWidth = script.Info.MaxWidth.Value,
VerticalStudsOffset = script.Info.VerticalStudsOffset.Value,
BubblesSpacing = script.Info.BubblesSpacing.Value,
MinimizeDistance = script.Info.MinimizeDistance.Value,
MaxDistance = script.Info.MaxDistance.Value,
if (MarketplaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, gamepassId)) then
I put this script into ReplicatedFirst and i used the plugin Bubble Chat Customizer by @0Techy.
This is what i used for the script :
And i can’t make it works, so if someone knows how to make it works, it’ll help me a lot!