Greetings devs,
Not too long ago I shared a global matchmaking, and I’ve decided to revamp the post, with better explanation and footage.
This system is much simpler than other ones that I’ve seen, and not too hard to understand. Or at least I think it’s not too hard to understand, as I only started scripting a bit more than a month ago.
This matchmaking system will also include the total players ready.
Note: I have 2 RemoteEvents inside of ReplicatedStorage: “Ready Up” and “Total Players Ready”
This is inside of the ready up button Gui:
-- Note: You can put whatever text and colours you want for the Gui
script.Parent.BackgroundColor =, 200, 0) -- Not ready colour
script.Parent.Text = "ready up like a pro" -- Not ready text
local ready = false -- The variable to control when the player is ready or not, as you can probably see
if ready == false then -- This will determine if the player goes ready or unready, based on the current value of the variable
script.Parent.BackgroundColor =, 0, 0) -- Ready colour
script.Parent.Text = "unready like a noob" -- Ready text
ready = true
game.ReplicatedStorage["Ready Up"]:FireServer(ready) -- Fires a RemoteEvent that will tell the ServerScript (which controls everything) that the local player readied up
script.Parent.BackgroundColor =, 200, 0)
script.Parent.Text = "ready up like a pro"
ready = false
game.ReplicatedStorage["Ready Up"]:FireServer(ready) -- Tells the ServerScript that the local player un-readied
This is inside of a ServerScript:
playersReady = {} -- This list will have a list of every player that is ready
shouldReply = true -- Whether this server will tell a new server how many players are ready or not
shouldChange = true -- Whether this server will change based on the other servers sending back how many players are ready or not
messagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")
messagingService:SubscribeAsync("Queue", function(msg) -- This subscribes to the sub-category of messaging service (the queue)
if string.find(tostring(msg.Data), "157981355") then -- This finds the number telling the server if the player is ready or unready; in this case, "157981355" means ready
table.insert(playersReady, string.sub(msg.Data, 1, -10)) -- Removes the number telling the server to ready or unready the player, then adds it to the playersReady list
elseif string.find(tostring(msg.Data), "058375937") then -- This finds the number telling the server if the player is ready or unready; in this case, "058375937" means unready
table.remove(playersReady, table.find(playersReady, string.sub(msg.Data, 1, -10))) -- Removes the number telling the server to ready or unready the player, then adds it to the playersReady list
game.ReplicatedStorage["Total Players Ready"]:FireAllClients(playersReady) -- Tells our last script how many players are ready
messagingService:SubscribeAsync("GetExternalPlayersReady", function() -- Servers that already exist are told to send the number of players ready with this function
if shouldReply == true then
shouldChange = false
messagingService:PublishAsync("ExternalPlayersReady", playersReady) -- Tells our brand new server how many players are ready
shouldChange = true
messagingService:SubscribeAsync("ExternalPlayersReady", function(msg) -- The new server will use this to get how many players are ready in an external server
for i in pairs(playersReady) do
table.remove(playersReady[i]) -- Clears the current playersReady table
for i in pairs(msg.Data) do
table.insert(playersReady, msg.Data[i]) -- Adds the players ready in another server the this server's playersReady table
game.ReplicatedStorage["Ready Up"].OnServerEvent:Connect(function(playerName, ready) -- Detects when a player readied or unreadied
game.ReplicatedStorage["Ready Up"]:FireClient(playerName, ready)
if ready == true then
messagingService:PublishAsync("Queue", tostring(playerName).."157981355") -- This can be a number or code of any length, but make it something that no one has in their username.
messagingService:PublishAsync("Queue", tostring(playerName).."058375937") -- Same with this code.
if table.find(playersReady, tostring(playerLeaving)) then
messagingService:PublishAsync("Queue", tostring(playerLeaving).."058375937") -- Removes the player that left's name from the playersReady table; if it's on there
game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(playerJoining) -- Detects if this is a new server, if so, it will get the list of players that are ready from another server
if #game.Players:GetPlayers() == 1 then
shouldReply = false
messagingService:PublishAsync("GetExternalPlayersReady", "")
shouldReply = true
game.ReplicatedStorage["Total Players Ready"]:FireClient(playerJoining ,playersReady)
This is inside of a Gui showing the total players ready:
game.ReplicatedStorage["Total Players Ready"].OnClientEvent:Connect(function(playersReady)
if #playersReady == 1 then
script.Parent.Text = #playersReady.. " player is ready"
script.Parent.Text = #playersReady.. " players are ready"
Here’s some footage of it in-game: