How to Make A Good Crystal Material

Hello! I am trying to figure out how to make a crystal-looking material.

By that, I mean that I want it to be reflective of bright lights, not like a mirror. And I don’t want to use the reflective property because that reflects the skybox.

I’ve tried doing the thing where you set the transparency ≥5 and add a highlight, but that’s just a mirror.

Here are some examples from other games that show what I want: (Ignore the particles, worry about the light)



you can try special meshes and mess with their vertex color to replicate emissive textures.

youd also need particles with high brightness.

both of those are probably deoptimized but theyd look cool!


have you tried the default glass material but like not 100% transparent?

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special meshes have emissive qualities? how does that work?

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so they have a vertexColor property and if you set it to really high numbers it can give off a glow, especially with the bloomEffect.

i believe Roblox is adding a color object to surfaceAppearance soon™ but for now we have this.

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oh wait I actually haven’t heard of this… I gotta try this out.

would that update make it so we could change the color of textures?

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i believe so yes.

if it’s uncapped (ie you can set the colors above 255), you may also get emissive surfaceAppearance support as a hidden feature.

I would be curious to see an example of this. I just tried messing with a Special Mesh (Head), with high vertexColor. And I blasted the bloom which appears to have given reflections an emissive quality, including the yellow ruler lines, but that’s about it…

This is without using bloom as well. Set the vertexColor to like 10.

oh i see you’re talking about an imported mesh…i thought you meant the special meshes, like head, torso, sphere, etc


So for now I think setting the lighting technology to “Future” will do what I want it to!