How to make a good logo [Discussion]

Hello Roblox Logo Creators, I made this thread/post to make a community that helps Logo designers improve their work.

What are some good tricks to make a good logo?

I want to have open-ended questions like the one above every week to help all people learn. It doesn’t matter if you respond with something very simple like “add a second stroke and put it under the fill layer to add a cool border” or something very advanced.

I might create a Roblox art discord in the future so stay tuned!

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I’d personally recommend you practice on your designs,
add more details to your designs make some variants and choose which one you’d prefer, get other opinions from people to see what they prefer edit and make any changes you feel necessary are useful. Make sure the logo is clear and easy to read, also don’t be aggressive with lighting on logos. You could also gain experience from making logos and try out different graphic design software.

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Create a logo that is simple(or complex, I suggest simple) and eye-catching that would make users click the game/group icon (or whatever the logo is used for). It should also be easy to read and (if there are words on it) it should kind of lure users into thinking “Wow! That looks nice! I should check it out!”

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I mostly follow two rules for logo making. Making it recognizable from a distance, and making it be simple yet beautiful.

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tbh I think simplicity is key. I feel fine doing simple sometimes cause clients pay you to brand their game. Good branding is something that is recognizable.

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This is a technique used across all sort of designing, practice, practice, practice.

I’ve been practicing for ages and have been watching YouTube to improve my mistakes. I use images to reference to as they help a lot on what image I’m trying to create. GFX packs are extremely helpful too as they contain basic effects and overlays that are easy to apply.

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Like me, almost every 3 days I make a practice logo to improve in my skills.
Examples: [FEEDBACK!] How did I do?, How did I do and how can I improve?

And here is my portfolio: [CLOSED] iTzEmail | Text Logo Designer

If you go the way that I do you can improve allot and I recommened photopshop with logos.

When making logos, thumbnails, and other forms of marketing or advertisement type art, you want to go for a simple, yet layered design. The key is to use multiple layers. I personally use, and it suffices for most things; for example, I’ve created this in, and this is the higher end of what’s considered to be “complex”.

You’ll notice there’s some blooming, dark edges, and contrast. Always try to make your art pop, use opposing colors, and deepen it with saturation, cool colors, and other effects.

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