How to make a gui open different guis through a button and close the other or tabs

I Have A Gui Called ShopGUI And Another Gui As Well Called Shop Featured

Inside Are Frames With Everything In One Called Frame And the One To Open Called UI

How Do I Click On A Button And Then Close The Gui Now And Open A New One ?

You can use a button.Activated function set visible to false on the GUI you want closed and visible to true on the one you want opened if there separate guis then use enable not visible

can you elaborate ?

there text buttons ? in the frame ?

Can you send a screenshot of the explorer with the gui’s and buttons in question

Players click the text button Gui2


It should open Ui


canceling out the one already open.

ok so you can use

Frame.Visible = false
Ui.Visible = true

you will have to set the Gui2, frame and Ui variables first though

if thats what they where called would this work ?

as long as you set the variables first like:

local Gui2 = script.parent etc etc

im confused a bit.


local Gui2 = the script ?

give me a minute ill try right something for you

create a local script in StarterGui and copy this into it:

local ShopGUI = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ShopGUI")
local Gui2 = ShopGUI:WaitForChild("Frame"):WaitForChild("Gui2")
local ShopFeatured = script.Parent:WaitForChild("ShopFeatured")

ShopGUI.Enabled = false
ShopFeatured.Enabled = true

make sure the UI frame is already set to Visible

this just deletes all ui of screen

Did you check the little box next to visible on the UI frame properties?

which box ? the visible one or a different one ?