You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to make a Textbox That Only Allows Numbers and Only 1 Decimal
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
I can’t find a way to do it. And all my attempts were unsuccessful
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I checked and could not find a solution
I want to make this so players would not scale the GUI to a Scale that Completely hides the GUI.
My Current Code:
local sizebox = script.Parent.sizebox.Text
if script.Parent.sizebox.Text:find("%.") > 1 then
script.Parent.sizetest.Visible = false
elseif script.Parent.sizebox.Text:find("%.") <= 1 then
script.Parent.sizetest.Visible = true
I hope this is what you mean by only numbers and one decimal, the Text Box should only allow integer numbers with one decimal place after it, ie. 13.5, 3.3, and not 3.33, or 1.52. I think I put the necessary variables where they needed to go for you. Hopefully, this puts you in a good enough spot to customize the rest how you need to.
-- Get the Textbox object
local textBox = script.Parent.sizebox
-- Function to validate user input
local function validateInput(input)
-- Check if the input is empty
if input == "" then
return false
-- Check if the input contains non-numeric or non-decimal characters
if string.match(input, "[^%d%.]") then
return false
-- Check if the input contains more than one decimal point
if string.match(input, "%.") then
local decimalIndex = string.find(input, "%.")
if decimalIndex == #input or decimalIndex == nil or string.sub(input, decimalIndex+2):match("%d") then
return false
return true
-- Function to handle user input
local function handleInput()
local input = textBox.Text
if not validateInput(input) then
textBox.Text = "" --Custom text for invalid entry
--Executes when there is not valid input
script.Parent.sizetest.Visible = false
--Executes when there is valid input
script.Parent.sizetest.Visible = true
-- Connect the handleInput function to the TextBox object's events
-- Clear the Textbox when the user focuses on it
textBox.Text = ""