How to make a hat giver

Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that this ISN'T my product. It's a piece of a free model from the toolbox/items library. I'm simply showing you how to set it up.

Today, I’m going to show you how to make a hat giver in roblox. Also, there’s ZERO coding involved! It’s so cool!

Right, let’s get into it!
First thing’s first, you’re gonna wanna get this model.

Once you’ve got that, go ahead and open it in studio. If you don’t know how to, it’s really simple.

Open your toolbox by going into your “Home” tab and clicking “Toolbox.” Once you’re done that, click on “Inventory” in your toolbox.

Then, you should see your hat giver.

(Don’t worry if it’s not the hat you want, we can easily change that.) Now, you’re gonna want to click it. It should appear in your workspace. If you can’t see it, press F. It doesn’t matter what Operating System you’re on.

Open it and go into “Armour”

There, you should see a mesh entitled Beret. If you want a Beret, you can keep it. Otherwise, delete it. Same thing with the brim, keep it if you want a Beret. Otherwise, delete it.

Next, find a hat from the toolbox. If you’ve already got on, that’s great! Just make sure it’s one mesh.

Fit your hat mesh to your force-field head.

Rename it to Beret. It HAS to be named Beret, or it won’t work. It’s also case-sensitive, which means the B needs to be capital.

If you haven’t already, move the Beret mesh into the Armor model.
Make sure your Beret mesh is also anchored, it won’t work, otherwise.

It’s that simple! You’re done! Click play, it should work.
Check it out, WOW!

If you have any concerns, please let me know below!
Thanks for following this tutorial, it’s my first one, so I hope it helps.

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I highly doubt you will ever make something better than this my guy :sob:


I fully agree with this statement.

broski over here woke up on the wrong side of the bed