How to make a Hinge Tween Door

hi, can someone explain to me how to set a hinge to a door, then use tween to move it?

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This question seems to sort of be a conflict, but I get what you mean. Roblox has hinge constraints, so if you just want a swinging door, go ahead and use that, although it is physics based.

If you want an object to be Tweened as if it is a hinged door, so it can be opened upon command, that is another case. What you need to do for the hinge effect is to pivot around the doorframe. This can be achieved by Tweening certain property(ies) to make it seem that it is rotating from the pivot, rather than just rotating on its center.

Alternatively, you can Tween a part that IS at the hinging pivot point, and then connect the two parts.

Hoping someone with a more technical answer will be able to provide you an example.
Good luck with the door, don’t forget to grease the hinges!

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make a part near where the door connects to the wall, this will be your hinge, make sure it is fairly straight so it is easier for the tween bit

Next you want to add a weldconstraint and weld the door to this new part, make sure the door is unanchored!!

Now that is done, just use tweenservice and tween the orientation of the hinge part so that the door opens


I would use Visual examples like more photos but Yeah, that would Work, thanks!

Also, thank to everyone

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