How to Make a Jumpscare Animation

Hello, hope you are all doing well.


Goal - The goal in which I want to achieve consists of a simple Mesh Character (rigged with bones), playing an animation when triggered by part. -

Simple Terms, when a part gets touched, an animation will play from the custom character I imported. - That is my goal

Problem - The issue in which I am having consists of my jump scare animation not working correctly. I have followed tutorials on YouTube correctly and sadly, the Rig just doesn’t even move.

Attempted Solutions -

  • I have tried a few tutorials from YouTube in which are pretty straight forward.
  • I have tried reuploading the animations and even different animations.
  • I also have tried reuploading the character, but nothing seems to work.

I made a video where I explain my issues and how I have tried to fix this. I also show the character that I am using for this.

All I need is a way for this character to work, and how I can use OTHER characters interchangeably if I wanted to. - Basically, I want to know how I can use this for all kinds of characters.

So one last thing I will mention before I show the video, I did have a system that works TECHNICALLY. However it works for only one specific rig only. ← (yes I know that’s stupid) I do not know why it cannot be added to other rigs, but it would work by deleting the character after the animations plays. But for some reason the animation doesn’t play to begin with. - This here is the entire reason why I made this topic

Here is the video: