unimportant things
i made this post
In roblox keyboard i made it
where i asked for feedback
you may use it as long as you make it your self
here you are going to make that
want a in roblox keyboard??
like this?
follow this tutorial to learn how to make it
other info (keycodes)
keycodes are Enums that represent keys on a qwerty keyboard i use UserInputService:GetStringForKeyCode()
to Get the String For the KeyCode
1 gui
make a ScreenGui in StarterGui and add a Frame
set the name of the ScreenGui to KeyBoardGui
set the size of the Frame to UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
set the BackgroundTransparency of the Frame to 1
set the name of the Frame to ScreenFrame
that is my main frame.
add a other frame in side it
the propertys to
add a UIGridLayout
and set its CellSize to UDim2.new(0.09, 0,0.19, 0)
set its CellPadding to UDim2.new(0.01, 0,0.01, 0)
the UIGridLayout is so we dont have to set every frame with mouse
1.1 local script in gui
add a local script in KeyBoard and inside the localscript do
script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false-- we dont see the gui
--this below is purely for look
if child.ClassName == 'TextButton' then
child.Font = Enum.Font.GothamBold-- set the font can be any
-- load the frame
function load()
-- add keycode
local function addKeycode(ii,vv,color3)
local clone = game.ReplicatedStorage.Q:Clone()--we get to this later
local layoutOrder = ii+100-- the devhub says it is a good idea to do increments as little as 100
clone.LayoutOrder = layoutOrder -- set the layoutOrder
if layoutOrder > script.highestLayoutOrder.Value then script.highestLayoutOrder.Value = layoutOrder end--the int value highestLayoutOrder contains the highest LayoutOrder
clone.BackgroundColor3 = color3 or Color3.new(1,1,1)--set the color3
clone.Parent = script.Parent--set the parent
clone.Event:Fire(Enum.KeyCode[vv])--i did this this way fires the event which sets the Enum.KeyCode
local function addOther(layoutorder,name)--this adds special keys and is otherwise the same as addKeycode
local layoutOrder = layoutorder+100
if layoutOrder > script.highestLayoutOrder.Value then script.highestLayoutOrder.Value = layoutOrder end---
local clone = game.ReplicatedStorage.Other:Clone()-- special keys clone an other thing
clone.BackgroundColor3 = script.specialColor3.Value-- special keys have another color3
clone.LayoutOrder = layoutOrder
clone.Parent = script.Parent
clone.Event:Fire(name)--do not Enum.KeyCode[vv] as that wont work
for i,v in ipairs(string.split(string.upper('qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'),'')) do--splits the string so we get the upper() lettersin a table
addKeycode(i+10,v,script.NormalColor3.Value)--adds the key
local function Return(...)--why did i did this
return ...--this is so useless--this returns every aregument
addKeycode(2500 + 100+10,'Space',script.specialColor3.Value)-- the space key
addKeycode(2700+10,Enum.KeyCode.Backspace.Name,script.specialColor3.Value)-- key space
for i,v in ipairs(string.split(Return('One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Zero'),',')) do-- so work keycodes
addKeycode(i,v,script.NumberColor3.Value)--numbers get another color3
addOther(script.highestLayoutOrder.Value,'Clear all')-- adds a key that clears all text
addOther(script.highestLayoutOrder.Value,'Channge layout order')--a key that changes the keyboard layout from normal to alphabets
Choose = script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.Choose-- the choose button not a key and normal keyboards say enter
load()--loads the keyboard
function ToEmptyString()--self explanatory right?
script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text = ''
script.Parent.KeyClick.Event:Connect(function(keycode)--main event types the key when pressed
local name
--below is self explanatory right?
if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then
name = keycode.Name
elseif keycode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
name = ' '
--handle special keys
elseif type(keycode) == 'string' then
--name = keycode
local todo = keycode-- not sure why
if todo == 'Clear all' then
ToEmptyString()-- the clear add button
elseif todo == 'Channge layout order' then
script.IsLayoutOrder.Value = not script.IsLayoutOrder.Value
local thing = {[true]=Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder,[false]=Enum.SortOrder.Name}
script.Parent.UIGridLayout.SortOrder = thing[script.IsLayoutOrder.Value]
--you know [GetStringForKeyCode](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/UserInputService/GetStringForKeyCode)
name = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetStringForKeyCode(keycode)
if keycode == Enum.KeyCode.Backspace then-- removes 1 character on screen
local text = script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text
local thetable = string.split(text,'')
script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text = table.concat(thetable)
elseif type(keycode) == 'string' then -- do nothing
else--whrites the key
script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text = script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text..name
script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false-- we dont see the gui
script.Parent.Parent.Parent.StartKeyBoard.OnInvoke = function()--BindableFunction for easier programing
script.Parent.Parent.Visible = true--we see the gui otherwise we cant press buttons
script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text = ''--removes add characters
Choose.MouseButton1Click:Wait()--fires when the user wants the text
local text = script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text
script.Parent.Parent.Visible = false
script.Parent.Parent.ShowText.TextLabel.Text = ''
return text--
script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Loaded:Fire()--say 'we are ready'
i added a comment that says what the line does
now add values the local script
EnterColor3 is a color3value and has 255, 255, 0 as property - - for the enter button
IsLayoutOrder is a boolvalue and has true as property - - for changing the layout
NormalColor3 is a color3value and has 255, 255, 255 as property - - for every other button
NumberColor3 is a color3value and has 255, 0, 255 as property - - for the numbers buttons
highestLayoutOrder is a intvalue and has 0 as property - - self explanatory right?
specialColor3 is a color3value and has 0, 255, 255 as property - - for special buttons
the values with color3 in the name are for the keycolors
too bad I can’t use puns
now add a BindableEvent in keyboard the parent of the local script
and name it KeyClick
the explorer shouls look like
this bindableEvent is for the keys to fire when the player presses a key
2 examples and ReplicatedStorage
because it is so tedious to lay every key your self i use examples
what i mean by that is 1 of it in ReplicatedStorage clone it and use it more than once
add a textbutton in ReplicatedStorage
set TextScaled to true
set Name to Q
in it add a BindableEvent in the textbutton and name it Event
why i named it Q i dont know
and because of the UIGridLayout from earlier i dont have to set propetys
add a localscript in the textbutton and do
photo2 with info of the steps
the first line Waits for the event to fire with the info
line 2 connect s the event and fires KeyClick when the user Click a Key
line 5 sets the name
line 7 sets str to the keycode
line 8 checks if keycode is a weird letter
line 9 sets the text to keycode.Name
line 11 sets text to that of line 7
yes you need to rewrite the code
not just ctrlc and ctrlv
now ctrlc and ctrlv what you made or use ctrld
ctrlc = copy, ctrlv = paste
and name it Other
in the textbutton named other do
the first line Waits for the event to fire with the info
line 2 connect s the event and fires KeyClick when the user Click a Key
line 5 sets the name
line 6 sets the text
they should be
text button with name 'Other'
only the localscripts need to be different
3 ServerScriptService only used to filter text
you can skip this if you want
you can add your own filter code
add a remotefunction in ReplicatedStorage and name it RemoteFilterStringAsync
in the first local script replace ‘return text’ with
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFilterStringAsync:InvokeServer(text)--filter the text
add a script in ServerScriptService
and do
4 StarterGui
i have referenced other things in StarterGui that i have not mentioned yet so i do it now
add a BindableFunction in game.StarterGui.KeyBoardGui
set the name to StartKeyBoard
this is for easier starting
invoke this to start the keyboard
it returns what the user has typed
add a BindableEvent in game.StarterGui.KeyBoardGui
set the name to Loaded
when this fired the keyboard has loaded and StartKeyBoard can be invoked
4.1 game.StarterGui.KeyBoardGui.ScreenFrame
in game.StarterGui.KeyBoardGui.ScreenFrame add a Frame
set the properties accordingly
add a textlabel in ShowText
name it TextLabel
set the [bordermode,bordersizepixel] equal to above
set the size to {0.7, 0},{1, 0}
set TextScaled to true
add a textbutton and copy the settings from above [bordermode,bordersizepixel]
set the AnchorPoint to 1, 0
set TextScaled to true
set name to Choose
set position to {1, 0},{0, 0}
set Size to {0.3, 0},{1, 0}
5 end
invoke the BinableFunction
add a localscript and name it destroyMe
do in that script
script.Parent.Loaded.Event:Wait()-- wait until we are ready
while wait() do
local text = script.Parent.StartKeyBoard:Invoke()--invoke the function
parent the localscript to the screen gui
if it really works you can run studio without errors
final restlt
final result
images from here
In roblox keyboard i made it
6 polls
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- 1.1
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- 4.1
- 5
- 6
- none
0 voters
- this was easy to follow
- this was normal to follow
- this was hard to follow
- HELP (this was too hard to follow)
0 voters
- i did it. i build a in roblox keyboard
- QIN2007 can you please publish this as a free model
0 voters
inrobloxkeyboard.rbxl (45.2 KB)
this is my first post in #resources:community-tutorials