How to make a local debounce for lava parts

When I make a debounce in a server script, players that didn’t touch the lava part won’t get damaged. I want the player that touched the part to not get damaged for 0.7 seconds but all players dont get damaged


Add the player’s name to an array when they touch the lava, wait 0.7 seconds, then remove the player from the array. When a player touches the lava the script will check if they’re already in the array: if they ARE in the array, then the script doesn’t damage the player.


please link me a documentary on array

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ROBLOX calls them tables instead of arrays, but they’re essentially the same thing.

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Ok, well how do I find in which number in the table the player is in? I can do table.find but that will only check if the player is in the variable

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But that’s all you need to do: check if the player is in the variable. If the result of table.find() is nil then the player isn’t in the array, if it’s a number then the player is in the array.

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you can do Table.insert to add the player to it. then use Table.find(theArray, playerName) or how ever you added the player. then Table.remove after the wait.

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well how do i remove the player from the table

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You find the index where the player is at, then use table.remove(). Like so:


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but it will ask me for the number value

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… Exactly? table.find() gives you a “number value.”

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well then how do i remove the player from the table since the code just continues to damage other players that step on the part

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Here, maybe an example script will make it easier to understand:

local part = script.Parent
local playerArray = {}

	local humanoid = hitPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") --Finds humanoid
	if(humanoid) then
		local playerName = humanoid.Parent.Name --Gets name of player
		if(not table.find(playerArray,playerName)) then --Checks if player's name isn't in the playerArray
			table.insert(playerArray,playerName) --Adds player's name to playerArray
			humanoid.Health -= 10 --Deals damage
			table.remove(playerArray,table.find(playerArray,playerName)) --Removes player's name from the playerArray
		else --If the player's name IS in the array
			print("Player is already hit!")

This allows for each player to have their own 0.7 second cooldown between taking damage.

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