Put the while loop in a function then call it. Create a variable and when that variable is true use break on all the loops and then call the function again within itself. It’ll essentially restart it.
local Restart = false
local CurrentNumber = 0
function AdditionLoop ()
while true do
CurrentNumber += 1
if CurrentNumber >= 5 then
CurrentNumber = 0
Restart = true
if Restart then
print('Loop restarted. Number has reached 5.')
The code I sent runs the loop and if the number hits 5 it breaks during the middle of it. The rest of the code in that loop will not run and then it will move to the if then statement. That’s where I checked if the restart variable was true. If it was, I ran the loop again.
What you could do I think for this case is have the loop inside of a function and then when the variable changes to run the function. There is no way to detect when a variable changes from my knowledge so you would probs have to sort something out like an event or something is fired.
To stop the loop you could do what @AwokenTy is saying I think but you could also have an if statement in the loop which if the variable is not a number or something then it will stop the loop via “break”.
I don’t know if I should revive this (it’s sort of old), but since there isn’t a solution, here it is:
The continue keyword is like break, as in it stops a loop instantly, but it starts the loop from the top again (I think this is what you want because you were talking about “instantly stop[ing]” and restarting