Okay so this is a dialogue messages and answer stuff for a character named jenna
say hi to jenna
I am trying to make it luck based
player clicks a button %60 chance it will skip the waiting (normally around 3 seconds for a message) and will print out the whole message
and for the %40 chance it won’t do anything
But I am kinnda confused about how to make it luck based
like player Clicks to skip button and it won’t wait or will have to wait until it print’s out fully
local Jenna = game:GetService("Workspace"):WaitForChild("Jenna")
local Messages = {"Wakamole"
local Answer1 = {"Manifesto",
"Scoobydoo Was definetly good cartoon."
local TextGui = script.Parent
TextGui.Enabled = true
for i,v in pairs(Messages) do
for i=1 , string.len(v) do task.wait(0.25)
TextGui:WaitForChild("TextHolder"):WaitForChild("TextLabel").Text = string.sub(v,1,i)