How to make a map 4001 x 4001 studs

I have received a huge map comm lately and the customer wants the map to be 4001 x 4001 studs
in a particular shape

I’m not sure how to achieve the 4001 x 4001 studs as the max limit Is 2048 x 2048

Is there any way to achieve the 4001 x 4001 studs without distorting the shape

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I don’t think there is. Maybe working with more parts, yeah, but else, no.

You could maybe shrink everything else e.g. the stuff on the game and the players to make it feel like the size is bigger.

Your best hope would be splitting it into 4 corners and making those 1000.25x1000.25 each I think (unless there’s some glitch to force it to be bigger that I don’t know about)

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oh I know a way make 4 small squares each 1024*1024 then put the shape between it and negate it then union it all together then make multiple squares to fill the space and negate the outside (the bit you had left after the last negate) and union all together then you should be able to resize it if you dont know what I mean send the shape in a roblox file and ill make it the right size.

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MapGround.rbxl (24.2 KB) I’m not sure I understand, here’s the part

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Use more than one part. If that shape is a mesh, you might have to use blender to split into into 4 meshes.

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