How to make a matchmaking system?

Hey developers!

How can I make a matchmaking system? I know I need MessagingService and then teleport the match using TeleportService, but how would I need to communicate between servers to achieve this? I would like a detailed explanation. Your help would be appreciated!

Have a nice day, iamajust

ahh i did Make A matchmaking System before but if want to make one

You need to know the Players that your going to teleport so you got to get the players I recommend doing it by putting a folder with Object Values that stores the Player Instance object(Make Sure its all Server Sided)

Then You Need To make a Function incase they leave or anything if you need a better understanding just replay back and ill help :smiley:

To make a cross server matchmaking system you would need to use:

Global data stores
Teleport Service
Lua Tables
Teleport data
Teleport to reserve server