How to make a mesh Self-CFrame properly?

Video of ability: Screen Recording 2025-02-09 at 9.35.53 - Google Drive

Basically I’m working on an M1 for my game, and basically what it does is, clones a sword mesh and weld constraint into the right arm, and cycles through 2 animations. Usually everything works fine, but in the video you can see when I’m spamming it or jumping, (which is likely going to happen when players use it) the sword sometimes appears weirdly. I’m guessing this is because of the arm rotation in the animation and the CFrame setting the sword’s position.


local itemsFolder = game.ReplicatedStorage.CHEESELORDM1.ITEMS
game.ReplicatedStorage.CHEESELORDM1.addCustomHold.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, char, decayTime)

	print("recieved M1")
	print("decay time: "..decayTime.." seconds")
	local rightArm = char:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
	if rightArm then
	print("right arm found. player: "..char.Name)
	local item = itemsFolder.chezSword:Clone()
	item.Parent = rightArm
	local weld = itemsFolder.ChezSwordWeldConstraint:Clone()
	weld.Parent = rightArm
		local prevWalk = char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed
		local prevJump = char.Humanoid.JumpPower
	char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
	char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0
		game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(item, decayTime)
		game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(weld, decayTime)
	local cFrame = rightArm.CFrame *, -0.8, -1.68) -- Move the mesh to the right arm
item.CFrame = cFrame
weld.Part0 = rightArm
weld.Part1 = item
item.Orientation = char.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation +,0,0)
		char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = prevWalk
		char.Humanoid.JumpPower = prevJump
	 print("RightArm not found for player: "..char.Name)

Please guys, let me know if you need any more information. Any help appreciated!


You might want to use a Weld or Motor6D instead. These allow you to set a fixed offset and rotation and all you have to do is set part0 and part1. If you don’t plan on animating the joint you should use a weld

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im animating it though because its meant to be an M1

Then you should use a Motor6D, this will have a fixed offset and it can be animated