How to make a meshpart go on your back

How would I make something go on a player backpack.

This is my first ever solo project and I need to make something go on a player back. I’ve tried putting the accessory in starter pack, but it didn’t work. Someone said I needed to include scripting, but I don’t know how I should make the script and where I would put it in. So I’m stuck.
^^Thats what I am trying to replicate.

Do you guys have like tips on how to make something go on your back? It will be highly appreciated

weld it on to the back of your UpperTorso through a script… (Position thing, instance weld constraint, weld it to uppertorso and backpack main part)

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Ok thanks for the information. I’ll try doing it. Do I need to do the instance weld constraint in a script?

Put the meshpart in an accessory and name it “Handle”

Then add an attachment under the meshpart with the same name an attachment on a character

Will that automatically do it for me. Or do I need to add an script?

You only have to insert the accessory under the character.
You also might need to change the location of the attachment in the accessory to change its offset

image I did that but how would I change the location of the backpack?

You use a script lol, just clone it and set its parent to the player’s character

You can do this:

but instead of “RightGripAttachment” you put “BodyBackAttachment” to the Attachment.

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Instead of setting its parent, call AddAccessory on the Humanoid like in this post

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Oh, sorry, your comment did not appear to me before ;-;

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No, I was just adding onto what I said before

You could CFrame a weld, but pre-moving the part then welding using a WeldConstraint is more for beginners.