how would i make a missile that would fly be on a flight path with a curve on it, and it’ll fly at the target at any position
and second how could i make the rocket shake randomly while it flies
and lastly, how do i detect if it hits a player and is there something better than touch events for projectiles?
March 3, 2022, 2:01am
Use Raycasting
but instead of a normal Part
, use a MeshPart
that looks like a missile instead.
When the MeshPart
gets Touched
, destroy it and use
to make an explosion where the MeshPart
got destroyed.
When the rocket flies, you can use an Animation
to make it shake.
Thats all I can think of.
(Awesome Sauce)
March 3, 2022, 9:13am
For an explanation on the first question as @catxkdb had answered the second. Look up documentation on Bezier Curves and Lerp’ing.
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March 3, 2022, 9:46am
you shouldnt animate projectiles
I recommend using bodymovers and tweening it to the target position
also the reason of tweening it
it has easing styles that could maybe curve the direction of the bodymover direction
uh it says its
decapitated, is that a good thing?
uh i tried to tween it using tween service, but idk about the curve i tried using different easing styles but it didn’t do much
i tried using the body movers but i can’t find one
March 4, 2022, 1:50am
Try generating another Part
at the position you want the rocket to curve and tween it there before tweening it to the target.
January 4, 2025, 1:43pm
Have you considered the application of splines ?