I’m trying to make it so that one of my models slowly lowers/glides itself downwards when a certain ClickDetector is activated?
How do I make it so that it moves slowly downwards and I can always change the speed in the script?
I’m trying to make it so that one of my models slowly lowers/glides itself downwards when a certain ClickDetector is activated?
How do I make it so that it moves slowly downwards and I can always change the speed in the script?
This should get you started. The comments should explain it but if you have any questions ask away.
In my test place I added a part, added a script, pasted in this code, anchored the part, positioned it at 10 on the Y axis. Hop in game and click the part, part falls to Y 1 then on a second click returns to Y 10.
There are other ways to do crete the same effect with Tweens, CFrames and/or using while loops vs heartbeat but this maybe enough for your use case.
--"Script" attached to the part
local part = script.Parent --get the part, needs to be anchored is this case
local partLocation = part.Position --the original location of the part
local speed = 0.01 --distance in studs per beat the part will move
local goalY = 1 --end position along y
local connection --connection to the Heartbeat sevice
local cd = Instance.new("ClickDetector", part) --adds a ClickDetector to the part
local moving = false --not moving by default
if moving then --cancel the click if already moving
print("Ignoring click.")
return end --jump out of the function
if part.Position.Y <= goalY then --part has already dropped down
resetPart() --move the part back to it original position
dropPart() --move the part down to it's goal position
moving = true --serves as a debounce
function dropPart()
connection = game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function()
--part.Position = Vector3.new(part.Position.X, part.Position.Y - speed, part.Position.Z) --lower the part along Y
part.Position -= Vector3.new(0, speed, 0) --cleaner statement
print("Part is now at: " .. part.Position.Y)
if part.Position.Y <= goalY then --if at goal height stop and disconnect
print("Part has reached it's goal of " .. goalY)
moving = false --reset the debounce
connection:Disconnect() --disconnect from the heartbeat service
function resetPart()
connection = game["Run Service"].Heartbeat:Connect(function()
---part.Position = Vector3.new(part.Position.X, part.Position.Y + speed, part.Position.Z) --raise the part along Y
part.Position += Vector3.new(0, speed, 0) --cleaner statement
print("Part is now at: " .. part.Position.Y)
if part.Position.Y >= partLocation.Y then --if at original location
print("Part has reached it's goal of " .. partLocation.Y)
moving = false --reset the debounce
connection:Disconnect() --disconnect from the heartbeat service
EDIT: Changed the Vector3 statements to be more readable
Use tweenservice -
When the click detector is pressed, tween the part to its goal location.