How to make a model NOT fall over without anchoring it?

Any value I change it to still has the same result.

I still need the model to be able to move.

When making a stand, I use Weld.

I attach the weld to the player’s HumanoidRootPart and the stand’s HumanoidRootPart/PrimaryPart.

You would want to make all the parts on the stand Massless and Non-Collidable, that way you will not get Roblox Funni Physics.

Also make sure to not ever make the stand a Humanoid, if it is then replace the Humanoid with AnimationController.

I wouldn’t also recommend using raycast hitbox for the stand such as the hitbox you’re using right now, using Region3 as a hitbox works much better in my opinion, but the choices are yours.

You will have to anchor it. But I don’t know, there must be a way to do it.


I’m just going to experiment at this point to try to find a good potential solution.

Bumping this because I still haven’t been able to find a solution.

When using bodyposition, i have some weird issues with look vector so I convert cframe to vector 3 when using bodyposition.

local BodyPosition ="BodyPosition", PartToMove)
BodyPosition.Position = (Player.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame *,0,-15)).Position

Apologies for the late response, i’ll use that and see if it works!

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Use a BodyGyro. It basically keeps the rotation the same despite it moving. You can set the BodyGyro.CFrame through script and it will move but wont rotate (or will a bit depending on what you set as the numbers).
You can read about it here: BodyGyro | Roblox Creator Documentation

edit: You may also look into using this AlignOrientation | Roblox Creator Documentation
I think this is a more updated version of a BodyGyro, but I do not have as much experience using it.

My previous attempt of using a BodyGyro didn’t the way I intended(didn’t force model to face forward). I tried setting the BodyGyro’s CFrame to the lookVector and other methods to no avail.

This is what happened when I used your code(didn’t use a BodyGyro to stabilize due to being unable to get it to do what I wanted it to do.).

As you can see its still tumbling(like before).
I’m attempting to see if the code will work when I can get BodyGyro code working properly.

local BP ="BodyPosition");
BP.MaxForce =, 0, math.huge);
BP.P = 3000;
BP.D = 1000;
BP.Parent = rot --HumanoidRootPart of model.
BP.Position = (rot.CFrame *,0,-15)).Position

You might not have set the max force right. The default has Y at 0, and the Y value is basically horizontal rotation. Each of those is the axis of rotation.
Body forces are admittedly annoying, but with enough messing around with the numbers, I think it’s exactly what you are looking for.

edit: you may have to set the power higher as well, and mess with dampening so it doesn’t bug out.

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Yeah i’m still experimenting with BodyGyros and code for it. After tweaking around with it for awhile I feel like i’m almost there so i’ll be posting a vid and code soon to show what I made.

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Oh ok, idk what to do sorry I couldn’t help.

Here’s what i’ve been able to make it do(response is late, I know).

Whenever I run the code the stand always loops behind the player and goes behind them, which is weird.

local BP ="BodyPosition");
BP.MaxForce =, 0, math.huge);
BP.P = 3000;
BP.D = 1000;
BP.Parent = rot --HumanoidRootPart of the model.
while wait() do
BP.Position = (rot.CFrame *,0,-15)).Position

local bg ="BodyGyro")
bg.CFrame =
bg.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
bg.Parent = rot --HumanoidRootPart of the model.

Anyway I can make it not go backwards?

Bumping this post again to attempt to find an solution.

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I’ve been testing for a bit and I found what is basically a “solution”.


local bg ="BodyGyro")
bg.CFrame = bg.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) --math.rad(90) is just a placeholder value to show how it rotates the stand
bg.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
bg.Parent = rot --HumanoidRootPart of Stand

local boopyve ="BodyVelocity") 
boopyve.MaxForce =, 0, math.huge)
boopyve.P = math.huge
boopyve.Velocity = rot.CFrame.lookVector * 10 
boopyve.Parent = rot --HumanoidRootPart of Stand

Anyway I can turn the lookvector of the HumanoidRootPart into something I can put into CFrames.Angles? I need this so the stand can face where the player is facing.

Why don’t you try to use WeldConstraint?

I don’t want the stand to be welded.

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Do you want the model still with ragdoll?