How to make a model stay in one spot without anchoring it?

So when i press a button, i want a model to clone itself, however this model is animateable so i can’t anchor it, however as expected, it just falls over as soon as i clone it. Is there anyway to keep it in place without anchoring it?

you could make a part at it’s primary part’s position anchor that part add a weld to it and set part 0 to be primaryPart and part 1 to be itself

local Model = game.ReplicatedStorage.Model

local NewModel = Model:Clone()

local PositionPart ='Part')
PositionPart.Position = NewModel.PrimaryPart.Position
PositionPart.Anchored = true
PositionPart.Parent = game.Workspace

local Weld ='Weld')
Weld.Parent = PositionPart
Weld.Part0 = PositionPArt
Weld.Part1 = NewModel.PrimaryPart