The title may be confusing but let me explain.
So, I was making a model that looks like this. ( Yes it’s bad but it’s just for a test. )
So I made this all by hand and grouped it together. I have one sperate coffee cup. here is what I did.
I added a tool in ReplicatedStorage and names it ‘cup’ and in that tool I put my model named ‘Coffee Cup’
Btw, heres a pic of what I put in the model located in the pic.
In the script above says. . .
local equid = game.ReplicatedStorage.Cup:Clone()
equip.Parent = player.Backpack
equip.Name = “Coffee Cup”
for _, two in pairs(equip:GetChildren())do
if two:IsA (“LocalScript”) then
two.Disabled = false
Please help me fix it, or tell me how to achieve this In a different way step by step
Looking forward to your suggestions.