How to make a model visible as first person

So i have a bin when clicked on it would parent the model into the characters model. its not a tool so it wont be seen if im in first person by default, how do I change this? i want to avoid using viewmodels btw. All help appreciated

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I think something like this would do the trick
workspace.Part.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0


I tried that using a for _,v in pairs loop since its a model. It says LocalTransparencyModifier isnt a valid property of the part which makes sense since it wasnt the characters initial child

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You need to do it after the model is added to the players character pretty sure

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Yes, I used a child added function to reference when its been added, again LocalTransparencyModifier was not a valid property of the model’s parts.

for _,v in modelhere:GetChildren() do
     if v:IsA("BasePart") then
          v.LocalTransparencyModifier = 0 

Keep in mind that this has to be in client.

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Still doesnt work late reply lol

weird, it should work if it’s a LocalScript or Script with RunContext set to Client

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Yea everything is how it should be im guessing since its not a character child default

maybe doing GetDescendants will work?

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Oh shoot wait no way, if this works imma cry

Didn’t work but I just decided to use this free source:

Im going to learn how it works while using it so i’ll be able to recreate it on my own and know how it works

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