How to make a no-tool equipment?

Well, I made a pretty good collection system for my game, basically use E to grab, use and interact. Moreover, when the players hover their mouse on the thing, it will be highlighted (with outlines).
But I got some problems with this, I figured out that we cannot use clickDetector, for click event or hover event when holding a tool, the hightlight system just breaks when holding a tool.
I read some posts and it seems like the only way to solve this is to not using “Tool” anymore, instead welding it to the player hand or something like that. To conclude, I want some ideas on how to do this, like how to keep the tool grip, and the Handle is still inside the character because my system need it.

Edit: mouseClick is not my problem as i used E and instead of clicking.

Edit 2: I found some posts on how to do this, i’m currently on mobile so i will try them tomorrow. I will leave the link to the posts if it worked.


You could try ignoring the tool. Assuming that this uses mouse.Target then it would be something like…

if mouse.Target:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Tool") then return end

Well, i used a local script to handle hightlight things. Basically it will find all clickDetector and then make a function on mouseHover events. But these events wont trigger when the player is holding a tool

Mouse.TargetFilter might be applicable, depending on the use case.

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That’s a pretty bad method. Because inside every part there’s a click detector. Instead I recommend trying to use mouse.Target instead. And like @Forummer said you should try using mouse.TargetFilter too. Basically how it would work is you use you RunService to update the highlight. It would look like this:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function() -- You could also make a seperate function
   if mouse.Target and not mouse.Target:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Tool") then
      -- Parent highlight to traget

Also you shouldn’t create a highlight every time instead just parent it to the updated object.
But also if you have a model of all the parts then use mouse.TargetFilter.

Oops, thanks for your help and sorry because I forgot to update the post, I used no tool equipment now (it is an accessory that weld to player hand). Because I’d like to tween the highlight too.

You could disable backpack ui with SetCoreGuiEnabled

and equip tool on event. Here’s an example with proximity event

		local char = player.Character
		local hum = char.Humanoid
		local newClone = game.ReplicatedStorage.Tool:Clone()
		newClone.Parent = player.Backpack

Let me know if it works because it is from the top of my head

thanks for your help but I solved this problem, I used accessories as tools now.