How to make a note system

Hello, I was wondering, how would I create a game similar to:
As in this game you leave a note, and it saves permanently in the same place.
I am looking for a youtube video or a model to help me create one of these games.


removed for reasons (lol limitttttttttttt)

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local data = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- get our data service
local notes = data:GetDataStore("Notes") -- get the notes data

local server_notes = {} -- our table for server notes so that we don't overfill the data requests

game.ReplicatedStorage.EventHere.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, notetext)
	server_notes[#server_notes+1] = notetext -- add the note in from a remote event

while task.wait(60) do -- every 1 minute we update our notes
	local left_notes = notes:GetAsync("GlobalNotes") -- fetching our data if we have any
	if left_notes then
		for _,note in pairs(server_notes) do
			left_notes[#left_notes+1] = note -- we add the notes to our datastore
		server_notes = {} -- we reset the notes so that we don't put the same note in every time
		left_notes = server_notes -- if we dont have data we make our data the current notes in server
	notes:SetAsync("GlobalNotes", left_notes) -- we update our data
	for _,note in pairs(left_notes) do
		print(note) -- we're just printing the notes to see what we have saved up.

Main key is just using a datastore like @TrentaFX suggests. Here’s an example of what you could do, but there may be inefficiency to the way I coded this. Let me know if there are any and what they are.


what does this script save? parts? how to make notes that are saveable