I am trying to make a system like Sword Fighting Simulator where you kill a NPC and get a sword. I have done most of the work but the sword does not work after being cloned.
This is in the NPC Humanoid ( Normal Script)
if deb == false then
deb = true
deb = false
This is in StarterGui as a LocalScript
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Sword = game.ReplicatedStorage.Swords.A:Clone()
Sword.Parent = player.Backpack
player.leaderstats.Parts.Value += 100
I would just like to mention that there is no need to have the cloning process of the sword & the editing of a leaderstat value happen under the client side (local script) as those can be done completely off the server side (Normal Script)
Having a simple for loop that does “for _,v in pairs (game.Players:GetPlayers()) do” and in that for loop you give each player, aka v, a sword “Sword.Parent = v.Backpack” and have the leaderstat be altered there “v.leaderstats.Parts.Value += 100” would be somewhat more secure, and may even save u a remote event.
A bit off topic but I would put this into Help and Feedback - Scripting Support
Also when you’re sharing your code, put it in between 3 tildas like this:
` is a tilda btw
local deb = false
if deb == false then
deb = true
deb = false
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Sword = game.ReplicatedStorage.Swords.A:Clone()
Sword.Parent = player.Backpack
player.leaderstats.Parts.Value += 100
To hopefully fix your problem,
In the main script, I changed the code to this:
local deb = false
local RS = game.ReplicatedStorage
if not deb then -- if the debounce is false, then
deb = true -- make it true
local SwordClone = RS.Swords.A:Clone() -- clones a sword from replicated storage
for _, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do -- we use a for loop to get every player in the server
v.leaderstats.Parts.Value = v.leaderstats.Parts.Value + 100 -- adds "100" to their Parts
SwordClone.Parent = v.Backpack -- moves the Sword to their backpack
task.wait(1) -- task.wait() is more efficient than wait()
deb = false -- ends the debounce
Other notes:
In your local script you could’ve put it inside of StarterPlayerScripts, but there’s no need to really. We can handle everything on the server.
If you used your code, the player would get the tool/100 parts locally, and the server/other players wouldn’t notice the change, meaning it would be as if it never existed.
I removed the local script and the RemoteEvent since there’s no need for them.
Use Code Review as a place to improve code, and use Scripting Support to fix your code