The name is kind of the question. But I want a part invisible but you can’t see what’s on the other side. Is this possible? I want to replace this:
You wanna make a part transparent and also unable to see anything through it?
Engines in the past solved it by using shaders or the transparent object was rendered earlier than the content behind such object, however Roblox does not support any of these solutions.
The only thing you can do is to send raycasts from your player to the objects behind the transparent object and check, if the raycast touches such transparent object, then hide all of the targeted objects client-side.
Of course this will not solve another issue which can appear that you may see at least a part of the hidden object from some angles, but there’s not much what to do.
I am not that experienced, but I will try and give you the solution. Thank you.
There is maybe another solution…
Make the walls of “Glass” material… within these walls all the objects must be mesh objects and their transparency anything other than 0 ( even 0.1 will work). This should make the objects look invisible thru the glass but they are still there.
If you are unsure how to make your objects mesh, there is a great plugin that converts your parts to mesh for you.
What is the plugin called for making it a mesh?
This is the plugin that i use, it works well:
Make sure you use it in baseplate not in your experience… then bring the mesh into your game. Sometimes u dont like how the mesh comes out and it doesnt undo that well so only work on one model at a time in baseplate.
Looks like this post still doesn’t have a solution but you can make parts invisible on one side by making a glass part with a transparency of 1 and the part you want to be only visible on one side to have castshadow set to true and a transparency of 0.011 (0.01 will not work).
like a spy mirror? (where you can see transparent only on one side)
you can make the part transparent and add a decal on a side