How to make a part like a video camera

It is hard to explain but I saw what Isle 9 was able to do with a camera and I have been wondering how they did it since it is high quality and if you look around the camera, it shows other parts of the room. I was wondering if I can have a path or an idea of how to accomplish this as I have been stuck for a while. Thanks!

Skip to 1:30 to see the example from isle.

It’s either a decal or a Viewportframe.

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It seems very high quality for a viewport frame though. Usually it is pixelated in my experience with them

you can change pixels per stud so it can be high quality

A ViewportFrame. There is no other way of rendering other camera instances on Roblox.

Alright I will try that when I get on then, thanks for the advice!

no problem alexinkenski :slight_smile:

also i typed your whole username because my post must be atleast 30 characters long

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