How To Make A Part Move In A Certain Curved Path

I would like to make a part move in the path below.

How can I acheive this? Any help is greatly appreciated! :smiley:

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I do not understand.
I want to set a path to the image shown.

Doesn’t pathfinding service find the shortest route from one location to another?
I do not want to find the shortest path. I want to set up a certain route for a part to move through.

You can also specify which paths should be taken (not just the shortest).

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Could you explain in more detail? Sorry, I do not know much about pathfinding service.

Pathfinding service wouldn’t work here, thats just for npcs, he said he wanted a part to be moved in that path. Maybe make a bunch of attachments in that shape and tween to each?

You can parent a single humanoid instance to the part and disable all displayed tags.

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yes but if the part is in the air then that wouldn’t be a good idea

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Juts not a curved path though is it, its trying to find the shortest path not the most realistic

No, the PathfindingService allows you to map any path you like.

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At this point you are refusing to listen, I think you should just stop dragging this out.

Have a transparent uncollidable part suspend it in the air.

You’ve yet to provide a reasonable alternative solution.

I provided a reasonable alternate solution though

Unlike you I will not give an alternative solution, I will meet what he specified in the OP.

Bezier Curves (and paths)


function lerp(a, b, c)
	return a + (b - a) * c

function quadBezier(t, p0, p1, p2)
	local l1 = lerp(p0, p1, t)
	local l2 = lerp(p1, p2, t)
	local quad = lerp(l1, l2, t)
	return quad

In my experiences of pathfinding meshes, non cancollide parts don’t count

There is a new instance called Pathfinding Modifier.

it’s a tricky subject, you would either use lerping or cos and sine with pi(without multiplication) to make a semi circle and add 2 lines.