How To Make A Part Move

I am trying to make a part move when it is touched by a player. I want the part to go in the direction that the player is facing. I have looked into how I do this but I can’t find a solution. How do I accomplish this?

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Apply a vector force to the part with the direction of HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector

I made a way to do it but when I do it the ball goes straight there (teleports). How do I make it tween there.

local part = script.Parent 

local function onTouch(hit)
	local character = hit.Parent
	local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

	if humanoid then
		local direction = character:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().lookVector
		local speed = 10 -- Speed setting

		part.CFrame = part.CFrame + direction * speed


You could use :Lerp to make the ball not teleport.

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