How to make a part on a wedge perfect

  • What are you attempting to achieve? I wanna make this grass uh be on the perfect position/size

  • What is the issue? as you can see it looks pretty weird i hope u can understand what is going on

  • What solutions have you tried so far? None yet

Drag the corner of the part to solve this.

if i do that this happens

could you use a plugin like resizealign?

Oh I see your issue. Yeah use resize align like @lordhollowick said

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Personally, I’d want to rotate the selected grass part to align to the top face of the dirt wedge, and then use 2 more wedge parts to connect the grass pieces. Stravant’s GapFill plugin will fit these wedges for you. If you just overlap the grass block parts, the tilted one will end up thinner (top to bottom), and if grass part faces perfectly overlap, there will be ugly z-fighting because of the texture.

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