Bullets in my game are parts with body velocity. I’m trying to make it so when a bullet hits a wall it bounces back at an angle like in the picture below.
I remember doing this a while back, one of the tutorials that really helped me was this one . You basically just “reflect” the ray.
I created the ray how do I make a part go to the hits???
Are you talking about actually making the ray hit a player?
How do I make the bullet follow the path of the ray?
I can’t actually remember how I did it myself, as this was a good while ago. (I haven’t done anything weapon related since)
I found a few things that may be able to help you though,
You can use this to calculate the bullet trajectory, you can just update the bullet position on each frame, like raycasting from one point to another, until you eventually hit something.
I’m sure there is a much better response that my own, if you get a bit too confused however, you can use Fast Cast, which is a very handy model (that happens to have bullet ricocheting too. (Fast Cast Link)
Hope this helps!
Thankyou! I figured it out! thanks to your article!!!
Its4Realzies's Place Number_ 37 - Roblox Studio 2021-05-27 17-37-37 How is this even possible???!!!???
How did you make that? I’m still having trouble trying to make the ricochet script, it’s so confusing
I’m trying to change the lookvector to the reflected one but it wont let me
Can you explain a bit more? Now that I understand how it works, i can help with your problem
nevermind I figured it out but, I’m trying to make the character ricochet but when the character jumps and then activates ricocheting, the character gets kinda buggy and I don’t know how to fix that
hmm… show me your script i can help with ur character being buggy
char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 0
local currentPos = char.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local currentNormal = char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector
local curDistance = 0
local stepDistance = 2 -- speed
local stepWait = 0 -- wait time between raycasting
local timeSec = 0
if timeSec <= 4 then
timeSec = timeSec + 1
char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
char.Humanoid.JumpPower = 50
timeSec = 69
until timeSec == 69
local function Step(overrideDistance)
-- Cast ray:
local params = RaycastParams.new()
local direction = currentNormal * (overrideDistance or stepDistance)
params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
params.FilterDescendantsInstances = {char.HumanoidRootPart}
local result = workspace:Raycast(currentPos, direction)
local pos
if result then
pos = result.Position
pos = currentPos + direction
char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrame.new(currentPos:Lerp(pos, 0.5), pos)
local oldPos = currentPos
currentPos = pos
if result then
-- r = d - 2(d DOT n)n
-- Reflect:
d = false
if d == false then
d = true
local norm = result.Normal
local reflect = (currentNormal - (2 * currentNormal:Dot(norm) * norm))
currentNormal = reflect
char.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
Step(stepDistance - (pos - oldPos).Magnitude)
curDistance = (curDistance + (pos - oldPos).Magnitude)
-- Recurse if max distance not reached:
-- if curDistance < maxDistance then
if timeSec <= 4 then
The reason is because the other parts of the character still can collide so it will cause collisions and make the character buggy. Can you show me other scripts too?
what do you mean by other scripts? and i’ll see if cancollide = false works
Edit: It did not really work.
bruh, then idk i will inspect ur script a bit more
instead of using char.HumanoidRootPart.Position = pos
, you could do char:MoveTo(pos)
oh true i can try that
30 words