How to make a part spawn in a position where no other part is?

I want to make a system in which you click on a Rock that throws Stone in certain squares, but that a square cannot have more than one stone

But the problem is that I have no idea how to make the stones select a box in which to put, and that these do not repeat, the only thing I manage to do is to make them spawn in the same position as always

Well I tried to search the dev forum how to make parts spawn in random places and try to adapt them to my script, without any result …, and then I tried to create some cells in which the place where each object goes with a value inside that says if they are available, but I could not do anything with my little knowledge about this …

this is te script in te Droper (basically I have nothing because as I said I have no idea what to do to achieve this, so I ask if you know of any way you can help me do it)

local click = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local Droper = script.Parent
function onMouseClick()
	local newitem = game.ServerStorage.Items.Stone:Clone() --Clone stone to drop
	newitem.Parent = game.Workspace.Items
	newitem.Position =


and the spawns script is basically a touch event and a touch ended that searches if something touched it to determine if it is occupied or not.

local Holder = script.Parent

local function onTouch(Tocuhed)
	if Tocuhed.Name == "Stone" then
		Holder.HasItem.Value = true

local function OffTouch(Nop)
Holder.HasItem.Value = false


thanks for your attention and I hope someone knows how you could help me :slight_smile:

put a boolvalue that indicates if the egg is already placed there or not,

thus, you can easily check if they already placed the egg or not.

local stones = {}
function onclick()
if not stones[mouse.Target] then
  stones[mouse.Target] = ""
   local newitem = game.ServerStorage.Items.Stone:Clone() --Clone stone to drop
	newitem.Parent = game.Workspace.Items
	newitem.Position = Droper.Position.CFrame + Vector3(0,5,0)