How to make a part visible when inside it?

When the camera enters a part, the part becomes invisible.

How to avoid this?


Maybe the part is CanCollide false.

most likely not, because he would not have been able to enter it if it was true.

If you just want walls, you’ll have to use 6 separate parts. But regular parts aren’t hollow which is why it goes invisible.

Oops, I meant to put CanCollide false.

Misread excuse that,
You can’t avoid it when it’s a full part, (coming from the looks of it)

CanCollide = off could fix that problem for roofs and walls.

try negating the part into 4 thin walls, and turning can-collide off

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To be exact, Meshes are another way to help you if you want to keep it simple and easy if you’re into creating meshes, part’s could also be another way as you can use 1 block to be the main walls and a part that will create a hole inside it when negating and turning it to a union.

As said from LostCreo,

Meshes are easy and so are Negating.

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This is because of how meshes work (in any game engine, not just Roblox). Meshes are drawn with triangles which are only visible from one side and not the other. It is a very low level thing that is being controlled internally by the roblox engine… Anyways, to the problem: if you want to make it visible from inside, you have to use a custom MeshPart with MeshPart.DoubleSided property set to true. For regular Part class, there is no such property.