How to make a particle in a for i, v loop emit independently

for i, v in pairs(ClonedBall:GetChildren()) do
			if v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then

this is my code, im trying to make it so they emit depending on their emit count, but for some reason it emits WAY to many times. I think its because of the getchildren()
Is there a better way of multiple particles?

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I doubt getChildren() would make more, It might be because maybe you are making multiple of the same particle which I doubt.

So maybe set the amount to a smaller number? I think that sometimes the number while in studio is different from one playtesting, such as how high your graphics setting is also effects it

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Turns out you were right, it turns out it was just a coding flaw where it’d run the function multiple times lol :smile:


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