I’m trying to make a pitch-black room in the future lighting, but none of the methods I’ve seen in the forum seem to work. (making walls thicker, black neon, etc.)
Has anyone achieved this effect yet in the new lighting? Any help would be appreciated.
He still most likely needs other areas to have light so the lighting brightness wouldn’t really work unless he did it client-side but IDK if that is possible
depending on if you have like an outside area or area that you need natural light in you could make it so theres no light in the game, I did it with a game once and it really makes what little light there was POP
I’m not 100% sure if this works but it did work for me.
What I did in my game was that I made the ceiling thicker and widen the ceiling edges on the edges of the walls. There was no awkward light coming through the ceiling in my room when I did this, but the problem is I did this on shadowmap lighting so I’m not sure if this works on future lighting.